
22 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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It's a very smooth piece. The percussion couldn't have been better, quiet, and on the ride cymbal. The bass was what Jazz should be - a very authentic feel to the whole thing. The chord transition is exceptionally good.

I really can't offer much criticism, it was really sort of spot on. Nothing crazy brilliant :D but no problems either. However, I notice what seems to be a synth tone as your melody; if you switch that to a saxophone - Ohhh Lord, it would be magical.

CaptinJammy22 responds:

Thanks, I'm glad you like it
Unfortunately, the only software I have at the moment is Sibelius so I can't change the sax sound.


If you had stayed a little more on beat I could add some bass for you.
Flea is some simple enough stuff.

watzmann responds:

Sorry, im only playin for a year at christmas, so i dont have the right feeling yet.

Thanks for your review though.

Weak, but long.

You made some decent stufff, it lacks any spice, but not bad. BTW it's very long with plenty of variations, you know some music theory. Keep at it and add some funk on it, I think this could be epic.

Taschenrechner responds:

Thanks, your review was very professional!
My approach to the genre is simple and minimalistic. Even though I tried to make a clean-cut track, I'll agree that this is very lackluster. I'll take your advice and try something new.

Dire bass need?

You did a very good job.

I took the liberty of adding my bass touch to it.
If you'd like it PM me.

Iplaygames responds:

hmm... I would accept your offer just this is a decently old song... so I don't have my original copy of the file. Thanks for the offer though.


I found this buried in my favorites list.

I usually say funk is all in the bass but the licks here show how guitar can be funky, and you don't necessarily need a wah pedal to do it.

vai90 responds:

Thank you. :)


Okay. That's a guy?
CJ's a nutter is'nt he xD

Klimdeeni responds:

nutter? something like that


I've heard the bass line somewhere.
Regardless if it's you you could do with some practice =/

BinaryGuy responds:

fun fact:
all the music for Seinfeld was done on a keyboard with samples.
just thought I'd throw that out there and that i can't play bass.
but i can key board!

How is this funk.

So you're a beginner and you recorded a simple practice riff.
I hate to be an asshole but... No.

KingZooY responds:

it's just a loop it's not a real song I have one other funk song try that one


Not sure where your getting the porn aspect. lol
But you have some 70's basics down. Really generic and cheesy though.
Decent job, just polish it up a bit.

And I can't hear the bass!!!
The 70's were ALL about the bass, jive turkey!

nimble-nick responds:

The 70's were all about roller-disco and porn... and I chose what would get me the most listens :) Besides about 2 minutes in, you can't tell me that's not sexy.

Luke @Lukania

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